Best Dirty Status for Whatsapp & Facebook
Dirty Status for Whatsapp, Facebook | Short Dirty Quotes: Friends first of all thanks for visiting this article, if you are searching for dirty status – dirty quotes then we must say you are on the right place. You surely going to love it, all the below collection are selected from different sources & social sites. Kindly appreciate our efforts and do let me know what more status you want us to share. Below we have amazing collection on dirty status for whatsapp then we must say you are on right place. All the below Whatsapp dirty status were free to share with your friends also.
Browse the best dirty status, short dirty quotes and share with your love ones, either you can use then on Facebook status, Whatsap status and messages.
Best Dirty Status for Whatsapp & Facebook
Riddle: what gets long when u jerk it, fits between boobs, slides in a hole, and loves to be pulled? A SEAT BELT U PERVERT!!!
In a cramped bus.. Lady: Something of yours is..
S_x education may be a good idea in the schools, but I don’t believe the kids should be given homework.
I don’t care if you have small boobs
Girls dont dress for boys, they dress for themselves. If girls dressed for boys, they’d just walk around naked all the time.
You laugh at my job but you sit around collecting welfare from my taxes – nice… glad I can help ya out , asshole.
You can’t be the top dog if you act like a pussy!
I don’t have a bad handwriting, I have my own FONT
I wanna do bad things with you”
save water.. shower with someone!
My idea of “friends with benefits” is another one of my friends doing my laundry. What were you people thinking.. I have morals.
If they play dirty, then you play dirty.
“Breakfast its the most important meal of the day”
Bitch, your leggings aren’t supposed to be Saggin !
a blond goes to dry cleaning and drops of a shirt as she walks out the door the cashier says come again the blond says nope this time its toothpaste.
Father’s Day is to thank your dad for not pulling out. Mother’s Day is to thank your mom for not swallowing you.
I think I could fall madly in bed with you”
I think I have mood poisoning.
If you`re texting two people at the same time, you are bitextual.
Success is like being pregnant everybody congratulates you, But nobody knows how many times you got f*cked to get there.
Just relax and accept the craziness. Life would be boring without it.
I’m not tryin to impress you or anything but. . . I CAN RIDE MY BIKE WITHOUT STABILIZERS!
Women and rocks are very much alike … We skip the flat ones.
You can’t be the top dog if you act like a pussy!
“I’ll let you play with mine”
Don’t be happy for making me a fool, you’ll later come to know who the real fool is
BREAKING NEWS: I just found out there is nothing wrong with ME, it is the WORLD that has issues.
I guess if you spoke your mind, you’d be speechless, huh?
I swear my pillow could be a hairstylist I always wake up with the wierdest hairdos.
Come live in my heart, and pay no rent.
I may look sane & calm; but in my head I’ve already killed you times! I even got rid of the body.
People who describe things as “better than s_x” are having the wrong kind of s_x.
What are you waiting for…! Come on.
Did you guys hear that Cinderella got fired from Disney world, she was caught sitting on Pinocchio’s face screaming “lie motha f*cka lie!”
i always wonder what my last words on earth will be but more than likely it going to be this: Ooh what does this button do?
Like this if you have ever checked Facebook while naked..
Bitch swear they Baby Smarter than every other Baby.. “My Baby can count to ” Bitch he’s years old, he supposed to!
Kidnap? I prefer the term “Surprise Adoption.”
I can remember when the air was clean and s_x was dirty.
Crazy… Nutty.. Freaky…call me whatever you want!i bet you’ll never be able to forget me all your life! 😛
I am not doing any thing… I am innocent.
Customer: How much is an eminem? Clerk: cent. Customer: What?!? That’s Ludacris!
My mother never understood the irony in calling
Women are like IPhones, you have to touch them all over before they respond. Men are like Blackberrys, rub one ball and everything moves!
Woman without curves is like a road without bends…. You may get to your destination quicker, but the ride is boring as hell.
What do the Chinese call a ? Twocanchew
Short Dirty Quotes and Sayings
Me: “Why am I still single?” Brain: “You’re weird as shit.” Body: “And you’re fat.” Face: “Plus you’re ugly.” Food: “But I’m here for you.”
You can give a player the best s_x he’s ever had, but he will still want new pussy because he’s a player.
I cant taste my lips could you do it for me”
I am a bad guy.
I always start writing with a clean piece of paper and a dirty mind.
Hands are so overrated..I think I’ll use my mouth..
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a loving husband had I love you tattooed on his dick. went home and showed it to his wife and she said there u go again puting words in my mouth
Hey girl, I’d like to be a part of your next abortion.
Don’t you wish people could be like money, so you could hold them up to the sun and see which ones are fake and who are real. (Dirty Quotes)
Viagra is now available in powder form to put in your tea. It does not enhance your performance but it does stop your biscuit going soft.
I don’t play in light.
“A world without women would be a pain in the ass” (Dirty Quotes)
Boobs are like the Sun…you can stare at them directly just for a few seconds. But if you put on sunglasses, stare as much as you want!
Of course I’m out of my mind…and I’m never going back.
Leave me alone.
Q: fleas on a pussy; is a thief and is a junkie, can you guess which is which??? The thief is hiding in the bush and the junkie is sniffing the crack.
So many stupid people, and so few asteroids.
A ghost could be humping you now and you would never know it. Just imagine…
Iam ready…Lets go.
Whats inches, lives in a guys pants, and girls like to blow it.. $, what were u thinking?
The truth is that existence wants your life to become a festival because when you are unhappy, you also throw unhappiness all around.
If s_x were shoes, I’d wear you out. But I wouldn’t wear you out in public.
There’s no such thing as a dirty mind, it’s just a sense of humor with adult content.
I just love getting dirty.
Your face look better between my legs”
I know what I’m going to do on December . I’m going to run outside in my underwear and scream ‘I’M ALIVE! TAKE THAT MAYANS!’
Roses are red the grass is green”
Bitch swear they Baby Smarter than every other Baby.. “My Baby can count to ” Bitch he’s years old, he supposed to!
People say I have a dirty mind… But I say its just creative!
Come on… Lets do together.
I am searching for right one.
Needs to wash his mind out with soap.
I got married because I’m really into angry s_x!
Just because a guy is attracted to you physically or enjoys you s_xually it doesn’t mean that he wants to commit to you emotionally.
I have bad habits.
I hope the saying “If you dream about someone.. they’re thinking about you” is real because I dream about you a lot!
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When i was born..Devil said..”Oh Shit..!! Competition”.
I would like to thank Dad for not pulling out & Mum for not swallowing me, or my birthday today would not have been possible
My mother never understood the irony in calling me a “son-of-a-btch.
We finally hope you all enjoyed all the above collection on “Dirty Status for Whatsapp, Facebook | Short Dirty Quotes“, if you really enjoyed our collection and you want us to share more dirty status with you all then do let us know via comment box below. Thanks for visiting and have a wonderful day ahead, cheers.